Essential factors to review when bidding on freelancing projects

Feb 10, 2023

Many novice freelancers often tend to bid on several projects at the same time assuming that this would increase their chances of landing a project; however, this is not ideally considered the best strategy as this leads to difficulties in reviewing several factors that must be taken into consideration when bidding.

But, fret not. We, at Freedom2Work in collaboration with Freelance2Freedom, understand how important it is to choose the right project so that you can continue monetizing on your hobby in the UAE and not feel pressurized to simply finish the work.


Factors to review when bidding on freelance projects


Several factors, such as the ones stated below, need to be kept in mind when analyzing whether or not you should bid on the project. This makes selecting projects and fulfilling them much easier. It also ensures that you stay organized and up to the mark so your credibility as a freelancer is not hampered.

Read the project description: Before anything else, the very first thing to do is to read the project description. This gives an idea with respect to the needs of the client and what exactly is being asked for within a specified time frame. Upon reading the project description, as a freelancer, you will understand whether or not you possess the skills to take up that project. Only if you have experience with work of that kind, or you understand what exactly is needed and can deliver the same, should you bid for the project.

Analyze the client's background: After thoroughly reading the description of the project, if you decide to bid on it, you must read and analyze the background of the client. Previous freelancers that might have worked with the client might have rated and reviewed them. so, take a good look at the ratings and reviews given by freelancers. This will give you a brief insight into what exactly can be expected when working with a potential client in the UAE.

Customize your bid proposal: When bidding on a project and submitting a bid proposal, it is important to customize your bid proposal to include details that would interest a potential client. This will help garner more attention from the client and it could increase the chances of you winning the bid for the project.

Understand the bid amount: Before applying and submitting a bid proposal, take a look at the bid amount if it has been submitted by the client. This helps you analyze whether or not the work is worth taking up. When submitting the proposal and including a budget, don’t forget to include your fees as a freelancer as well. Once the amount is submitted, it should not be changed as this could lead to earning a poor review from the client which would hamper your future projects.

Communicate with the client: After submitting the bid proposal, communicate with the client and let him know that you have submitted a proposal. Make conversation with the client and understand their needs. Communicating with the client increases your chances of landing the project. Being prompt can go a long way as you will also be able to understand the needs of your client well and maintain a long-term relationship with the client.

When bidding on a project as a freelancer in the UAE, you should ensure to take these and more points into consideration as they can help increase your chances of acquiring better projects.


For assistance with acquiring a freelance license and residence visa in the UAE, Freedom2Work is your one-stop-shop for freelancing in the UAE. Get in touch with us today at or at 800-FREEDOM (373 3366) today!

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