How to Transition from 9 to 5 job to Freelancing?

Feb 10, 2023


Are you tired of the monotony of your 9 to 5 job and want to quit? 

Then you are in the right place because here we have some tips and tricks for you to help make this transition easier and smoother. In a recent survey conducted by the US electronics company Poly, almost 80% of employees believe that the 9 to 5 work routine is now outdated. Anyone who has ventured into freelancing understands that it is a profession that is incredibly fulfilling, with control over your workload, clients, and work time. 

Perhaps there aren't many other professions that offer this degree of autonomy and control. In a standard 9 to 5 job, you neither have the flexibility to choose what kind of work you do nor can you choose how much workload to take on. 

For you to be able to quit your job and start freelancing, you must first understand and take note of all the perks that it has to offer:

1. You are the Boss: This means you decide if you want to work overtime or not. 

2. Set your Work Hours: The whole point of quitting a job to freelance is to break away from the 9 to 5 grind. As a freelancer, you can work from home or wherever you want, whenever you want, thus ensuring a balance between professional and personal life. 

3. Freedom to Work From Anywhere: Being a freelancer gives you the freedom to work from anywhere you want. You are not bound to an office desk. The world is your office.

4. Do What You Love: The issue with 9 to 5 jobs is that they have a mixture of projects you love and detest. However, if you quit your job to become a freelancer, you can select the tasks you want to work on and reject those that don't. 

5. Decide your Future: As a freelancer, you are not at the mercy of any employer who can cut your salary or even fire you! It really is up to you where you take your career and what you make of yourself. 

6. Make More Money: Granted that a 9 to 5 job gives you security, it also binds you to a fixed salary. But if you quit your job for freelancing, you will have the potential to earn much more than a salary.

Tips for Making the Transition 

If you are still reading, that means you understand the perks of freelancing and want to make the switch. 

Here is how you should quit your job to become a freelancer. 

Do a lot of Research

Before anything, you must understand where you are going. Here are some things you must thoroughly research and get ideas.

1. Figure out your niche and the services you would like to offer.

2. Find potential clients.

3. Assess your skills and the market demand for the same to understand how you will fill the gap. 

Plan and Organize

One of the essential components of running a freelance business is planning. You must learn to manage all aspects of your business, from accounting, marketing, and sales, to customer care, as you will be working alone. Be open to acquiring new abilities or improving old ones to better yourself.

Make a Budget

Quitting a job to start freelancing is a huge step, and it will take some time to get the hang of it and start making good money. It means you must have a stable financial plan to take you through the initial days of the transition and a contingency plan if things go way south of what you expected. 

Build Your Brand

In the world of freelancing, brand awareness is everything. Before quitting the job, you can focus on building your brand with the help of social media and platforms such as LinkedIn. Develop your portfolio website, which shows your credibility to your clients. 


Now that you know the transition and its perks, you can begin switching from a full-time job to self-employment. Consequently, think of yourself as a business owner. 

Having a business may seem scary, but it eventually becomes empowering. You'll have total control over your work, schedule, and clients. Instead of thinking of yourself as an employee, start thinking of yourself as a business owner.

Looking to start a freelance career in Dubai, UAE? Freedom2Work is your one-stop shop for freelancing.

Get in touch with us to apply for a freelance license and a residence visa at 800-FREEDOM (373 3366) or

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