How to Upskill as a Freelancer? Top Websites to Keep Your Skills Fresh

Feb 10, 2023

Freelancer upskilling is a necessity while working for various clients. You can achieve it in a lot of ways. 

But why is it needed? And how can this article help in achieving it?

Freelancing has gained immense popularity since the start of the pandemic. Many individuals lost their jobs, and in a hurry, several just switched to freelancing. 

Many are still looking for work without the needed skills (in a particular field). One could be a freelance graphic designer earning $60 per project, and another might get paid $260 for the same. The difference here is in their skills and lessons. 

One can’t expect more income without upskilling themselves. 

To do so, one needs to ask these questions first:

  • What exactly are your skills right now?

Suppose you are a freelance writer and you are looking for work opportunities. Define your skill set on paper. Yes, write everything you know. It can be SEO tactics or digital marketing. Which one can you offer more? Or maybe you are not just a content writer but also write for websites. 

Then ask yourself whether you have enough knowledge about writing on a website or if you need to freshen up your skills as a freelancer.

  • What more do you want to achieve?

After self-analyzing your skill set, define how far you want to go and what more you want to achieve. It can be successful in the same field or additional ones. Do you want to restrict yourself to only one kind of freelancing, or do you want more?

Again, write everything down and set your goals.

  •  What do you want to be your strength?

If you have any weaknesses in your freelancing field, ask yourself whether you want it to remain the same or change.

Your weaknesses may cause you trouble professionally. So, you may identify where you want to improve and find out how you can do that!

These are websites for upskilling. Make sure that you don’t go for it all. Select one according to your needs and then learn from it. After you finish one course or tutorial, you can switch to another module. 

Make it a rule: Finish what you started.


Top Websites to Keep Your Freelance Skills Fresh


1. Coursera

It is one such site that offers courses from the most prestigious universities in the world. If you need certification after the completion of the course, then only you need to pay. But having more skills requires no certification.

It also has an app that is easy to use. One can download all the PDFs and videos on the app and watch them anytime.

2. Udemy

Udemy is a famous and easy-to-use platform. It provides low-cost courses involving both high-quality presentations and videos.

Some also provide PDFs to read within the courses. The best part about Udemy is that it makes learning very easy. As you pay for the curriculum, the trainers become more sincere in this (compared to free courses offered on Coursera).

3. YouTube

We are all aware that you can learn anything through YouTube. The entire education system has transformed with the help of the platform. Children from rural areas can also now learn anything, anytime.

Freelancer upskilling requires consideration of all things online. YouTube can offer you much more than any other site. It is accessible to everyone with knowledge and can make certain tutorials on it (or learn through it). 

If you use it well, you can get a lot of information from it every single day. It is entirely free. One can earn from it. After gaining enough knowledge in your particular field, you can create your content-oriented videos and earn them via YouTube.

4. Google

Companies that offer online courses provide 1-3 trial classes (webinars and seminars). So, if you are looking forward to something free, then you can apply this approach. Or else, for freelancer upskilling, you can enroll in any course after checking the reviews of it online.

Without reviews and background checks, do not go for any online course. They won’t refund your hard-earned money if you regret your decision.

5. Duolingo

Duolingo is a website and has an app by the same name. They have expertise in teaching languages for free. No matter what your freelancing field is. Learn more languages through it and successfully upskill yourself. 

But how will this help?

Knowing languages is always an advantage, especially in a profession such as freelancing, which operates worldwide. If you learn any foreign language, it will be easier for you to connect with clients in that specific country.

6. Upskill Technologies

This Dubai-based company offers online training programs for several skills, such as MS Office, coding, and various others, to the residents at affordable rates. They have trainers currently working in the respective fields and assure to offer quality training to you at the ease of your home. 


Apart from providing training in the relevant skills, this Dubai-based website provides counseling and seminars to guide one in getting a job or setting up a business in Dubai.

8. Skill Upgrader

An award-winning training program, they offer one of the best content writing programs in Dubai. They have developed an online content writing program for all interested students with all the necessary learning materials in response to the growing demand for digital content writing jobs.



Learning new skills is key to professional growth.

Now is the best time to build your skill set. Don’t wait; choose one thing and start now. 

If you are looking to kick-start and scale your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!



Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)



Related Questions:

1. What does "Freelancer Upskilling" mean?

To provide an employee with more advanced skills through additional education and training. The company invests resources in upskilling and training its employees.

2. Can you upskill yourself?

Yes, absolutely.

By taking courses to gain on-the-job experience, you can also upskill yourself and gain the skills you need to reach the next level in your career.

3. How do I upskill as a freelancer?

Attend seminars and workshops; do the needed courses; apply for internships; you can read books and blogs related to your field.

4. How can I upskill myself fast?

Ask for stretch opportunities at work, stay plugged in, join an industry or professional association, indulge in relevant courses outside the workplace, and learn more at work. 

 5. How do you upskill yourself while working?

Work on your soft skills, develop creative thinking, upskill all your hard skills, embrace technology, set a realistic target, and become a forever learner. 

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