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Types of Self-sponsor Visa Available in UAE

Mar 31, 2023

Types of Self-sponsor Visa Available in UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a popular destination for people looking to work or live in the Middle East. One of the ways that foreigners can live and work in the UAE is through self-sponsorship. Self-sponsorship allows individuals to sponsor their visa, so they have the flexibility to work for any company or start their own business.

The UAE has recently expanded the Golden Visa categories, including about ten additional types of entrance visas and resident permits. The new immigration and residency policies have been implemented to draw in and keep talented employees in the UAE, increasing the job market's flexibility and competitiveness, and promoting the stability among UAE citizens and their families.

Also, many visas that formerly required sponsors are now sponsor-free. Below are the residency permits which don't need a UAE sponsor or employer. 

1. Golden Visa

2. Green Visa 

3. Remote work residence permit

4. Retirement visa

5. Multiple-entry tourist visa

6. Business entry visa

7. Job exploration visa

8. Entry permit to visit relatives or friends

Of these, in this article, we will discuss the most critical types of self-sponsorship visas available in the UAE:

Freelance Visa

A freelance visa is ideal for individuals who want to work for themselves and provide services to UAE businesses. This visa suits freelancers in various industries, such as graphic design, writing, and consultancy services. A freelance visa is usually issued for three years and can be renewed. To apply for a freelance visa, you must provide a portfolio of your work, a business plan, and proof of financial stability.

Green Visa

A resident visa, known as a "Green visa" in the UAE, enables its bearer to sponsor themselves for five years, obviating the requirement for a sponsor who is a citizen or employer of the UAE. A Green visa can be applied for by skilled workers, independent contractors, and freelancers.

Investor Visa

The investor visa is for individuals who want to start a business or invest in the UAE. The investor visa allows you to live and work in the UAE while managing your business. To apply for an investor visa, you must provide a business plan and proof of investment.

Partner Visa

Individuals who want to start a business in the UAE can apply for a partner visa. This visa is suitable for those needing more capital to start a business independently. To apply for a partner visa, you must have a partnership agreement with a UAE national or a UAE-based company. The partner visa is usually for three years.

Property Investor Visa

The property investor visa is for individuals who own a UAE property worth at least AED 1 million. This visa allows you to live and work in the UAE while managing your property. The property investor visa is usually issued for three years and can renew. You must provide proof of property ownership and financial stability to apply for this visa.

Talent Visa

The visa is for talented individuals in science, art, and culture. This visa suits artists, musicians, and researchers who want to work in the UAE. To apply for a talent visa, you must provide proof of your talent and achievements. The talent visa is usually issued for three years and can renew it.

Student Visa

The student visa is for individuals who want to study in the UAE. This visa allows you to live and study in the UAE. The student visa is usually issued for one year and can be renewed. To apply for a student visa, you need an acceptance letter from a recognized university or educational institution in the UAE.


In conclusion, self-sponsorship visas are an excellent way for individuals to live and work in the UAE. Whether you are a freelancer, investor, or talented individual, there is a self-sponsorship visa that will suit your needs. It is important to note that each visa has its requirements and application process. It is advisable to seek the help of a professional visa service provider to ensure a smooth and hassle-free application process.

Ready to start freelancing in UAE? Get a freelance license and visa with Freedom2Work. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how to freelance in Dubai! 

Contact us at 800-FREEDOM (373 3366) or at


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